messageconcept exsbr software

Customer Feedback about ExSBR’s Performance and Scalability


Today we received an awesome email from a very satisfied customer: I just wanted to follow up with your company on our purchase of your ExSBR Software. We rolled your software into our production environment last night, and the results have been nothing short of amazing. The Submission Q problems we were experiencing with [another … WeiterlesenCustomer Feedback about ExSBR’s Performance and Scalability

messageconcept cloud solutions

messageconcept ExSBR Licensing for Cloud Providers


Hosting providers and managed service providers offer their clients Exchange Server mailboxes as monthly subscriptions. To match these requirement, messageconcept now offers a new license program, the Cloud Provider Licensing Agreement (CPLA). Our CPLA is a montly licensing and maintenance subscription program, similar to Microsoft’s SPLA program. Providers are able to start and cancel the … Weiterlesenmessageconcept ExSBR Licensing for Cloud Providers

messageconcept cloud solutions

Config Panel Integration of messageconcept ExSBR for Hosting Providers


Our Sender Based Routing Agent messageconcept ExSBR is often used by providers to route emails by sender or tenant. Most managed service providers require their customers to open a service request to implement routing changes. But ISPs often use the full scripting ability of our software. ExSBR integrates smoothly into the Microsoft platform by using … WeiterlesenConfig Panel Integration of messageconcept ExSBR for Hosting Providers

messageconcept cloud solutions

ExSBR Support of Exchange Server Hosting Scenarios


One of the most frequently asked questions at our hotline is the support of several Exchange Server hosting scenarios. We currently support all available hosting configuration of Exchange Server 2007 and 2010. Exchange Server is supported in a Hosted Messaging & Collaboration (HMC) scenario as well as in any manually configured configuration. messageconcept ExSBR runs … WeiterlesenExSBR Support of Exchange Server Hosting Scenarios

active logistics michael otto

Mandantenfähigkeit mit ExSBR im active logistics Rechenzentrum


Unser Kunde active logistics ist der europäische Marktführer für Softwarelösungen für die Logistikbranche. Die Softwareprodukte erstellen und kontrollieren Logistikketten und organisieren große Cargo-Netzwerke. Der Kunde betreibt zwei unabhängige Rechenzentren, nahe den Hauptverwaltungen und zentralen Hub-Standorten verschiedener Cargo-Netzwerke in Niederaula im Herzen Deutschlands. Ende 2008 stand Michael Otto, Geschäftsführer von active logistics, vor zwei wesentlichen Herausforderungen: … WeiterlesenMandantenfähigkeit mit ExSBR im active logistics Rechenzentrum