
Free Evaluation Versions

On our download pages you are able to get fully functional evaluation versions of our products. Therefore you have the chance to trial our software for free before purchase without any risk.

You will get full support from our product experts by email, phone and remote sessions during evaluation.

messageconcept ExSBR is an add-on product for Microsoft Exchange Server. Our software extends the possibilities of your email system with a flexible message routing. ExSBR solves your requirements in the areas compliance and multi-tenancy.

You get ExSBR Enterprise Edition with full functionality and no limitation in the number of Exchange Servers or mailboxes one month for free.

messageconcept PeopleSync is the synchronization platform for your contact data. All contacts of the email systems, databases and enterprise solutions of your company are thus available on every mobile device and the work places of your employees.

You get PeopleSync Enterprise Edition with all synchronization agents and full functionality for 100 users one month for free.

Frequently Asked Questions