messageconcept exsbr software

Customer Feedback about ExSBR’s Performance and Scalability


Today we received an awesome email from a very satisfied customer: I just wanted to follow up with your company on our purchase of your ExSBR Software. We rolled your software into our production environment last night, and the results have been nothing short of amazing. The Submission Q problems we were experiencing with [another … Read moreCustomer Feedback about ExSBR’s Performance and Scalability

messageconcept cloud solutions

messageconcept ExSBR Licensing for Cloud Providers


Hosting providers and managed service providers offer their clients Exchange Server mailboxes as monthly subscriptions. To match these requirement, messageconcept now offers a new license program, the Cloud Provider Licensing Agreement (CPLA). Our CPLA is a montly licensing and maintenance subscription program, similar to Microsoft’s SPLA program. Providers are able to start and cancel the … Read moremessageconcept ExSBR Licensing for Cloud Providers