messageconcept peoplesync software

New PeopleSync Release 17.1


The 17.1 release of PeopleSync has been released. The new release of the PeopleSync console comes with one of the most-demanded features from our customers: You are able to preview the content of PeopleSync address lists inside the console. Within the preview you can now see, which contact data has been synchronized by the agents … Read moreNew PeopleSync Release 17.1

messagecconcept website relaunch

Relaunch of


messageconcept relaunched its website today. The new site is in responsive design to support all devices from smartphones and tablets to desktop computers with high resolutions. We use the width of Full HD screens for pictures and explainer scribbles as well as for a multi-column layout. Our team started from scratch and identified our main … Read moreRelaunch of

message routing encryption policies

Email authentication via DKIM in Exchange Server with ExSBR


DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an email authentication method designed to detect email spoofing. It allows the receiver to check that an email claimed to have come from a specific domain was indeed authorized by the owner of that domain. The two main components of DKIM are cryptography and DNS. DNS is used to publish … Read moreEmail authentication via DKIM in Exchange Server with ExSBR

shorts on wheels 2017

messageconcept supports short film festival


The short film festival “KFFK – Kurzfilmfestival Köln” takes place in our home town every Autumn. Besides the festival, they organize the open air event “Shorts on Wheels” with short films, shown at different locations all over Cologne. The distance between the locations is covered by riding with bicycles. And even the entire equipment from … Read moremessageconcept supports short film festival

messageconcept peoplesync software

Update for PeopleSync 16.2


PeopleSync 16.2 got some updates. The newest release 16.2.411.1 contains the following bug fixes, features and improvements: Improvements [PS-211] – PeopleSync Installer Windows 2016 Support [PS-212] – PHP Update 5.6.28 Bug Fixes [PS-210] – CardDAV upload fails when email contains line break [PS-216] – Export to LDAP: Continue on schema violation [PS-217] – Log entries … Read moreUpdate for PeopleSync 16.2

relaunch website messageconcept

Final spurt for relaunch


Our communication team currently works hard on the relaunch of our website. Our web developer Jonas wanted to get a more mobile device friendly site. And the most important aim of our designer Carolin has been a less technical language. The project is the first step into our new communication strategy. The launch of the website … Read moreFinal spurt for relaunch

messageconcept exsbr software

Updates for ExSBR 4


Within the last months, we fixed several issues with ExSBR 4 and have released the following bug fixes: [EX-35] – Remove limitation for more than thousand send connectors [EX-36] – Do not count virtual servers for licensing [EX-38] – Problem in Edge Server licensing [EX-55] – Problem with loop detection [EX-56] – Routing problems with … Read moreUpdates for ExSBR 4